Thursday, September 29, 2011

Blogs I love and where I've been...

Today, I'm going to be blogging about my favorite blogs.  I follow nwherekidz and themadisonainblog. Why are they my favorite blogs you ask?  Well, it's because they are good friends of mine. (And because they are really interesting!) Mia's blog,  nwherekidz, has a lot of home made designs, things about her pets, and the Beatles.  The madisonainblog has posts ranging around many topics.  Here are some unique posts that he has done: comma splices, making a soap stone bowl, and mobius strips.  

Oh, I haven't been posting recently because I have been at two sleepovers and a partridge in a pear tree.  No, I haven't been at a partridge pear tree.  Actually, I wasn't feeling very well. I had a head full of, well you know... The next day, I had a sore throat and a head full of unmentionable mucus.  Still, I am so sorry I haven't been blogging.  

I love it when people leave comments because it makes me feel, well, splendid!  So thank you to everyone leaving comments; I think they are superb.

Tune in tomorrow for the story of my vegan conversion.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Painful Mishaps

Hello, today I'm going to be blogging about blogging.  Yes, I know it sounds weird to blog about blogging, but I wanted to talk about how hard it is for me to figure out what to blog about.  I think it's pretty tricky to figure out what to blog about.  It's tricky because you have to think about what to blog about and that always takes me so much time.  Mother Dear makes it even harder because she says, "We have to do your blog right now because blah... blah... blah."

And I had lots of ideas for today.  Mother Dear gave me lots of ideas too, like blogging about politics and blogging about snakes.  I was already thinking about blogging about snakes.  Mother Dear also suggested blogging about my unfortunate accidents today which I think I will talk about after all.

Mishap #1: Earlier today, I was playing in the rain with my friend, the Penguin.  We were skateboarding down a small hill which I accidentally leaned toward the grass which I then hit causing my board to flip.   This sent me sprawling into the grass.

Mishap #2: We were going down a bigger hill than the previous one, and the Penguin  and I were close to each other while skateboarding.  (NOTE: Skateboarding next to each other is a BAD idea.) While we were skateboarding close together, we were almost side by side, so I had to steer myself to the left.  I steered a little bit too much.  Again, it made me go into the grass - CRASH, CRASH, FLIP, ROLL, OUCH - MY BACK!

Mishap #3: We were skateboarding on the same big hill, but my friend the Penguin was going to steer into the basketball court which I'd say is about  a quarter of the way down.  I, however, was going all the way down.  At the bottom of the hill I was going down, there is a bridge over a creek.  My plan was to hit the bridge, slow down and stop.  But my plan didn't go according to plan.  Instead, I accidentally went off the paved trail. (Oh, NO, Off Road!) Hmmm, where was I?  Oh yes, that's right.  When I went off the paved trail, I bounced off the dirt and just by the creek there is a barrier - kind of - a very small piece of wood.  The board's wheels hit that and launched me over the barrier, well piece of wood, and I hit my back on a very large root.  My face hit the dirt, smearing clay and mud all over me. Finally, my head hit a rock in the creek giving me slight brain damage, I think, I don't know.  Maybe that's why I couldn't figure out what to blog about!
 That's all for tonight because I need to recover my bloggin' noggin.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Cute baby snakes

Hello, today I'm going to blog about cute baby snakes and show you some pictures.  Did you know that baby snakes are more venomous than adult snakes because they are not quite in control of their venom?  No?  Cool, I like telling people new facts.  Of course not all baby snakes are venomous, just the well, venomous ones. 

That reminds me.  Today Dee Dee found a baby copperhead and called me over to show me. I don't think it was afraid of us, but it was a bit grouchy I think because it had a kind of grumpy look.  You know, have you ever gotten the grumpyish look from snakes? I think it was grumpy because we disturbed it.

I went inside behind a screen door to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes.  Dee Dee braved the mosquitoes and tried to get the snake out of there so it wouldn't get hurt or we wouldn't get hurt.  She succeeded at getting the snake out of ,and the snake lived happy yet a little bit grouchy ever after.  The end.

Here is a picture of the copperhead.
yellow tail????
This is the other picture.  I'm not sure why it has a yellow tail.  I will do more research and tell you in the comments or a new post.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My two favorite cats

Hello, today I'm going to talk about my cats, Egbert and Rommy, and I'm going to show you pictures of them. They are soooo cute.  Egbert likes to play and sometimes be crazy, and at nite sometimes he'll come to my bed and snuggle with me. He likes to lay in front of my fan. And Rommy likes to lay on the edge of the futon with Dee Dee. Rommy purrs a lot, and she is kind of shy but affectionate.  When she is really happy, she really gets, hmmmm, I dont know how to explain it but she gets really happy.  Here are the pictures I promised you.



That's all for tonight - bye.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Magnificent Math Maria

Hi everybody!  Today I'm doing a favor for my friend Maria who's trying to publish a math book.  All the info for how you can help is below. Maria is AWESOME, and she's a really cool teacher.
Check out the info below:

Moebius Noodles is a free book and community we are building for parents and educators of children birth to five. We are running a crowd-funding campaign for it, which ends in four days.

Please contribute, and tell the friends!

  1. You get math activities that go deeper than just counting and shapes.
  2. Opportunity to have an excellent community develop materials specifically for your family or your class
  3. Free materials to use, share, change, distribute, under a Creative Commons license.
  4. Children worldwide will have have free access. Translation volunteers are signing up!
  5. Proof of concept that not only big corporations, but grassroots groups can sustain curriculum development
  6. Confidence and support teaching math using your own talents, in your own ways
  7. Support for using what you already have around the house for cool math games
The fundraiser site:
Today's updates on the campaign, with links to blogs supporting us:
A short description of the project:
More info, including the secret rewards (printed books, custom games and so on):
The latest pilot - a P2PU class where you can see some of the materials:
A short video from, one of the supporters of Moebius Noodles:

Moebius Noodles Fundraiser Badge

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Hello. Today I'm just going to show you REALLY cute green mamba pictures. Without further adieu, behold - VERY CUTE PICTURES!

Oh wow!

These are the cutest green mamba pictures I could find.  I wonder what I'll be posting about next time.  Tune in to find out!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My day and a random snake fact

Hello Its me Dr. n soup I'm going to tell you about my day. I woke up to my mom saying she was taking Egbert to the vet. So I got up, and I started to watch TV and checked my email. Mom got back and brought Egbert home a few hours later. Then mom took me to a co-op with Madison the inscrutable, and then mom took me to Trader Joe's. And then we went home and me and my sister played three games of chess before we ate dinner. Finally, we watched a TV show before we got ready for bed. Good night :) .

Random fact for the day. The Red Spitting Cobra spits venom from its fangs through small holes in their fangs. The venom comes out in a spray of droplets up to 6 1/2 feet. The venom does not kill, but it can cause permanent blindness. 

 That's all for now. Bye.

  Check out this picture!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Mamabas dahn, danh, dahn...

Hello, its me again. Dr. Noodle Soup here to tell you about  MORE ABOUT MAMBAS! There arefour different species: Black Mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis), Eastern Green Mamba (Dendroaspis angusticeps), Western Green Mamba (Dendroaspis virids) and Jameson's Mamba (Dendroaspis jamesoni). 

Mambas are highly venomous.  The black mamba can strike up to 12 times! wow! and ouch!

Green mambas are less aggressive but no less deadly.  Note: It would still hurt though!
I'll write more about mambas tomorrow because it is very late.  But to answer Madison the Inscrutable's question, "Why are GREEN MAMBAS called GREEN MAMBAS?" 
I believe they are called Green Mambas because their skin is green, although when they are born, it is yellow.

Here is a cute green mamba picture.

Check out this cool video from the Cincinnati Zoo. Don't let it confuse you.  There are actually four different mamba species - yes, four!

I will post more tomorrow, bye!

Monday, September 12, 2011

I'm Dr. Noodle Soup!


Let me introduce myself; I am Dr. Noodle Soup. Welcome to my Blog. Allow me to tell you a little about myself. I have two cats: Egbert and Rommy. They are fantastic cats. Egbert is crazy, and Rommy is shy but affectionate. I am vegan. My favorite reptile is the snake, and its my spirit animal. My favorite snake is THE BLACK MAMBA! Why do they call it THE BLACK MAMBA? It gets its name because its mouth is BLACK! But do not be confused; its skin is brown. 

Check out this link and picture: 
That's all for now!  Goodbye.