Monday, September 12, 2011

I'm Dr. Noodle Soup!


Let me introduce myself; I am Dr. Noodle Soup. Welcome to my Blog. Allow me to tell you a little about myself. I have two cats: Egbert and Rommy. They are fantastic cats. Egbert is crazy, and Rommy is shy but affectionate. I am vegan. My favorite reptile is the snake, and its my spirit animal. My favorite snake is THE BLACK MAMBA! Why do they call it THE BLACK MAMBA? It gets its name because its mouth is BLACK! But do not be confused; its skin is brown. 

Check out this link and picture: 
That's all for now!  Goodbye.


  1. Yay! How do you like my blog? Neat! Exelent! Why are GREEN MAMBAS called GREEN MAMBAS?

  2. Welcome to the blogosphere!

    I didn't know that about Black Mambas.

  3. I've posted something new to answer your question Madison the Inscrutable.

    By the way, thank you Carol and Madison for inspiring me to start a blog! I will soon post about what how my day started and ended.
