Thursday, September 22, 2011

Cute baby snakes

Hello, today I'm going to blog about cute baby snakes and show you some pictures.  Did you know that baby snakes are more venomous than adult snakes because they are not quite in control of their venom?  No?  Cool, I like telling people new facts.  Of course not all baby snakes are venomous, just the well, venomous ones. 

That reminds me.  Today Dee Dee found a baby copperhead and called me over to show me. I don't think it was afraid of us, but it was a bit grouchy I think because it had a kind of grumpy look.  You know, have you ever gotten the grumpyish look from snakes? I think it was grumpy because we disturbed it.

I went inside behind a screen door to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes.  Dee Dee braved the mosquitoes and tried to get the snake out of there so it wouldn't get hurt or we wouldn't get hurt.  She succeeded at getting the snake out of ,and the snake lived happy yet a little bit grouchy ever after.  The end.

Here is a picture of the copperhead.
yellow tail????
This is the other picture.  I'm not sure why it has a yellow tail.  I will do more research and tell you in the comments or a new post.


  1. Very neat! I once saw a mature copperhead going across a path. It is spooky how invisable they become if on pine straw. You should try finding one in pine needles!

  2. I figured out why baby copper heads have a yellow tail because they use it to attract frogs and lizards
