Friday, October 7, 2011

My two favorite cats - Part 2

Hello, today I am going to be blogging about my two awesome cats Eggbert and Rommy.  Eggbert is very cuddly and sometimes crazy - well playful.  Rommy is shy but also cuddly and playful.  She likes to play with bent pipe cleaners.  Rommy sometimes meows at her pipe cleaner (I am not sure why).  If I sit down she comes to snuggle with me.  Then if I get up fast she gets scared.  Rommy likes to sleep on the futon (couch).  She also likes to sleep on a large fuzzy, stuffed alligator.  We sometimes play with the bent pipe cleaners.  I slide them across the floor or throw them and she chases after the pipe cleaners.  Then she stares at it like it is going to do something else.

Now let's move on to Eggbert. At night Eggbert likes to come up on my bed and visit with me.  He doesn't have many games he likes to play, but at night Eggbert likes to carefully watch my hand hidden under the blanket move back and forth.  And then....he POUNCES on it !  When he is in a crazy playful mood, he clings to the back of the chair.  I run about half way down the stairs toward Eggbert and he jumps down and runs to the cat tree.  Eggbert likes the cat toy mouse and when I throw it over him he leaps into the air and tries to grab it (almost doing a flip).  He likes to sleep on the cat tree.  Eggbert meows a lot.

They are my favorite cats in the world.  That's all for now - see you next time.

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